Extending ConstructiveGeometry

The mesh method

The main work of converting ideal objects to concrete meshes is done by the following mesh method:

mesh(opt::MeshOptions, object, children_meshes)

This method should in principle not be directly called by the user. It is invoked by the ConstructiveGeometry module with the following parameters:

  • opt is a MeshOptions{T} structure holding the parameters for computing the mesh (the type T is the coordinate type used for mesh vertices);
  • object is the object being meshed itself;
  • children_meshes is a list (vector or tuple) of meshes computed for the contents of children(object).

This method must return a subtype of AbstractMesh{D}, namely either a ShapeMesh (for 2d objects) or a VolumeMesh (for 3d objects). These types are, in turn, thin wrappers for mesh types handled by appropriate submodules (namely the exclusive union of closed polygonal loops / the volume delimited by a closed triangulated surface). These are also the types returned by the polygon() and surface() primitives.

Any two-dimensional object (viz. three-dimensional) object x may be instantiated as a mesh by invoking polygon(x) (viz. surface(x)).

Defining a new primitive object

Defining a new primitive object has two main parts:

  1. define a new concrete subtype of AbstractGeometryLeaf{D} (where D = 2 or 3 is the dimension of the object) holding the geometric information for the “ideal” object;

  2. implement a meshing method for this type, by extending the ConstructiveGeometry.mesh method; more specifically, mesh(opt::MeshOptions{T}, s::NewObjectType, _). (the last parameter is the list of children meshes, which will always be empty for a leaf type).

On top of this, several methods may be added as syntactic sugar to help the user define objects of this new type.

This is exactly how e.g. Cube is defined:

struct Cube{T} <: AbstractGeometry{3}
mesh(g::MeshOptions{T}, s::Cube, _) where{T} =
	# children are not used here
	# VolumeMesh is constructed from default attributes, vertices, triangles:
	VolumeMesh(g, cube_vertices(T.(s.size)), cube_triangles)

Defining a new transformation

  1. If this transformation applies to a single object, then define a new concrete subtype of AbstractTransform{D} with a single child field: this will enable the multiplicative syntax for applying this transformation to an object;

  2. otherwise, define a new concrete subtype of AbstractGeometry{D} and extend the children method to the new type, returning a proper list (vector, tuple etc; it must only be iterable) of the object's children.

  3. extend the mesh method to this type.

As in the case of leaf objects, it is also possible to add some methods to make it easier for the user to call the transformation, e.g. by using the operator() function.

The operator() function

This function is a shortcut to define the multiplicative syntax for an object transformation. It has two main methods:

  • operator(Constructor, parameters, solid) (where parameters is a tuple) is the same as Constructor(parameters..., solid);
  • operator(Constructor, parameters) returns an encapsulation F such that F * solid is again interpreted as Constructor(parameters..., solid).

For example, multiplicative syntax can be given to a transformation Frobnicate by defining frobnicate(param1, param2, s...) = operator(Frobnicate, (param1, param2,), s...).